
Animals & Volunteers Wish to Thank…

Our regular donors, whose generosity ensure we are able to plan ahead for our animals. Donors receive personal guided visits, which the animals love – and so do we.

Our amazing team of volunteers who are as much a part of the sanctuary as he animals themselves. Their dedication, and love can be seen in the trust the animals show. Each of us foster their own individual relationships with our cheeky animals that even rain, mud, and piles of poo cannot discourage. That said, we’ll all be happier when the warmer weather returns.

Waitrose in Malmesbury for their contribution of fruit and veg, and Madeleine for managing this, and making regular deliveries.

LMA Housing Services Ltd for materials contributing to the build of our new goat shed. Thank you Sarah, and Laurence.

The Old Bell Hotel for their generous contribution to the sanctuary’s initial startup costs. Thank you Lesley, Kim, and Whit.

Dyson for their contribution to our startup costs.

Malmesbury Carnival for awarding us a grant to install CCTV on the premises enabling us to better understand the animals behaviour, and added security.

Voodoodesign for creating our vinyl signage. Thank you Tony, and staff.

The Three Cups Inn for holding a Christmas raffle and donating the proceeds. Thank you Tracy, Phil, and Joe.

Two Birds, a Mic and a Dish for organising a charity zumba group dinner for the sanctuary. Thank you Becky.

Abbey Damp Proofing for sponsoring our Christmas cards. Thank you Chris.

idverde for the lorryloads of woodchip. Thanks Tom.

Bespoke Seamless Aluminium Guttering SouthWest for supplying & installing all the guttering on our goat shed. Thank you Dimitri & the team.

Frangipani Home for their continued support, and for stocking our cards. Thank you Anne-Marie.

Llamas in Pyjamas cafe for stocking our cards. Thank you Alison & Emma.

ayeaye media for creating our website, and all their continued technical help.

June Clamp for her support in raising money at Petitcoat Lane, which helped towards an out-of-hours vet visit for our darling Boomer.

John for his time and generosity in supplying our animal’s hay. Thank you John.

Thank you also to our regular suppliers whose support is invaluable in the daily running of the sanctuary, plus all present, and past volunteers who helped us get where we are today.

Have we missed anyone?

Every penny donated goes directly, and exclusively to the upkeep of the sanctuary. We spend nothing on admin, or advertising, and all of our time is donated for free so that our beautiful, and exotic animal family can live out their natural lives in a happy, peaceful, and healthy environment.